Not bad..........
My Thanksfooding was delicious. Hope you had an excellent extended weekend. Mine went well, plenty of food........
On Wednesday night we drove to Toronto..........I also visited two of my old HS friends going college in Chi town..............while I really like driving rather time I will drive..............Well, I have 3 different places that I usually drive to or fly to every year.........on holiday season.......or when no school......Toronto.....LA......NY........Have large family members and friends in these cities.......The stay was both interesting and wonderful. I got little nostalgic for the first day when nostalgia was unique and interesting. Thursday afternoon my sister-in-law and I had to go out with to do some couch shopping for them.......I went with.........she introduced to me her best friend or she said so........who was driving us around............No thankz.............yeah I got her she gave to my brother's wife............If you're watching people play cards and just set there, you either need a better timing or tv........They were playing a game with me.........the shoping was a game...........But no thanks..........One is enough........I am thankful for my family, the love, care, and support that they provide on a daily basis but that doesn't include on dating............been doing great on that.........So maybe I'll revisit this post come December when I go back to Toronto........The weekend went fast, and it was a great way to end by playing indoor football with old friends and family................First posted a new thread on Saturady while on the had to post the UK contract company shooting Iraqi civilians in cold-blooded post.........while driving back.......Canadians were talking about it, but not the US media......don't know why?.....please don't watch it if U don't like seing people get shot.......though U can't see their faces.....long distance killings...............