"Anticipation and Hope are born twins"
No matter the history, no matter the past, still this nation has and will for ever be known the nation of the people. No matter how corrupt it's leaders and parties have been, no matter on it's inhumane slavery history, it's savagery inception, this nation which has endured many angles and still stood as a nation of the best known democratic constitution may for ever be lost to a leaders who seek fear, mis-informaiton, and who lacked vision and hope to wage a war on today's problems. Again, let me go back to my hero, to Jean Jacques Rousseau and see what he have said many centuries ago about our current being....
Life: Rousseau wrote "The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years, but the one with the richest experiences.
Both Hillary and McCain talk about their years in Washington, their time in the senate, their dealings with the washington lobby, their 3am phone call to attack false nations rather the root of the problems as in the case in Osama in Afghanistan. Yes, both have lived more than Obama, both have more experiences about the world, but they are not the ones who can change this generation which is a must and who can start a new political system that doesn't make everything about a party (GOP or Dems) beating the other, but the future of a nation in decline. As man of different cultures, a man who has lived many regions of the world, a man who was not married to a former president or an old man who left his older wife for younger rich ~15 years his senior while his wife was in the hospital after accident which still his children hasn't forgive him.......Obama is the MAN for this hour and for this age.
Truth: Rousseau "General abstract truth is the most precious of all blessings; without it, man is blind; it is the eye of reason."
Both Hillary and McBush will try to win again playing the false game. McBush will try to make the Iraq war rossy, will argue we have to be there 100 years so they don't come her for another 100 years, he will argue things are going great(today's death total-five American troops killed), he will try to falsely accuse the Dems of being with the terror groups, he will try say he knows the economy when he doesn't, he will try to starting wars from all corners of the world, he will try to blame those of us who still think we are better country than what Bush and Co have given us last 7 years as peacenicks. While on the other hand, Hillary will claim she will fight the fights of Bush and McCain, she will try to go beyond reason and tell us she never voted for the Iraq War, that after being asked of Obama's religioin said "she doesn't for sure know Obama beliefs, but will take his words" or that he wasn't against the war. She will use non-abstract racial under garments, which will be spread by her many old friends, who will say, Obama....is only here 'cause he won red-states, caucuses don't count, he should be my VP even though, he's leading me on delegades which is what matters to win, although he has 600,000 more people who voted against her and for him, even though....he will win tomorrow in Mississipi.
U see lately, it seems truth does not matter, since we don't hold our leaders to what we hold to our little kids......both Hillary and McCain will try as Rousseau has said...to make sure we stay blind and ignorent to reason. The only hope for this nation is a new start and Obama is that man for this start. A new political agenda, forget the political fights of the past, those of the last 30 years for the good of the country.....Hillary and Mcbush don't know how to lead this nation from this dark political disaster......but hey, I'm a Dem...so Hillary will tell me to support her if she some how wins with the Superdelegates...which is what she's trying.....So, let me go back to my friend Rosseau once again....
"Conscience is the voice of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body. Is it astonishing that often these two languages contradict each other, and then to which must we listen? Too often reason deceives us; we have only too much acquired the right of refusing to listen to it; but conscience never deceives us; it is the true guide of man; it is to man what instinct is to the body; which follows it, obeys nature, and never is afraid of going astray."
I will surely with my conscience not able to vote for Hillary (never to the GOP) and may go astray from the Democratic Party or even voting again.
Until the word, "Deserve" is erased from our vocab we will continue to decline.
I know that is a sad statment but the more I am becoming involved the more skeptical I am becoming.
The Dem race right now has gotten ugly. I see and agree with all your points here. I hope the outcome of it all will effect the change that we need for our great nation.
What we need is someone who will tell the American people the facts,which is the antithesis of a politician. Change is good, but I don't understand what change he is talking about. Obama deals in platitudes, so far hiding what he is really going to do. We have some serious issues in this country. So he is going to change Washington...BS. Drop by to talk to Iran and Cuba with a friendly visit. He is naive. What we need is to bring all our troops home to protect the US and make tough decisions on energy policy and runaway entitlement spending that affect all our security. Not going back to protectionism to protect union jobs and new New Deal to suck our taxes and have the government pay for everything.
bman, I have had some other arguement with you and even had to say bye bye to you, but still U repeat the same garbage and the same tired arguements which U don't have any sources.
When did speaking to nations U don't agree with became so naive, i thought talking could have resulted saving ~4000 of our dear troops in Iraq or the lives of large population of Iraqis. U see, this is the same problem to why the Obama run has been amazing....he ain't that only my party is right or gun ho about reall issues, inclusiveness is his message and he will go after Osama in Pak, get out of Iraq, deal with nations we don't have good relatioins with....U see, Castro will be dead soon...Cuba is few miles of our cost, do U know the only reason why we don't talk to Cuba? Votes! The all powerful Maimi Cubans who run away from their Cuba now control our politics. U see, this is what dealing with Cuba has became! This is crazy.
"bring all our troops home" well, well, at-last we agree on something...:)
And by the way, please read about the new deal without talking points and before U start some rightwing hate of government...U see, I live in MN, yes the state that had the bridge fall down...yep that state...That built was a vision of the new deal......all most all the major highways, the children healthcare system, housing system"FHA" that get many people off the great depression and the economic problems. It correct the needed redistribution of power and gave power to farmers in my state and around the country, FDIC, and by the way ohh how amazing and great was to drive on that bridge that fall down everday for almost five years....built in the 60's and visioned in the 30's. U see, that's what we are lacking today....the new deal brought jobs, and made us a super-power.
The New Deal has been and will for ever be the great economic and social system this nation have ever seen....and we do need another new deal about energy, about the sh*ty education system we have, about the future of this nation when it comes doing things done rather going back to sixty years ago and blaming those who had a vision of great America. Wake up
Brian.....But, Hillary will say she had s*cked Bills balls so she has to be a the prez..what say U.
Nova...Sis, i'm with U, change is on the air.
Got u riled up eh. The New Deal made us a superpower..huh? Because we built some bridges and dams. Government has f-ed up everything . Do farmers making 2million a year need aid. That's a fact in the farm bill. Social security-going bankrupt. Helluva program that is just another source of govt. revenue. not a "retirement plan". We do have a shitty education system. How many trillions have we poured into piss poor schools and social programs. You need to wake up. What do you propose to fix government schools? More money? We are not in the Great Depression anymore. We will not be an economic superpower anymore with a stifling goverment. the rest of the world is abandoning high taxes and programs. Check out Eastern Europe. Russian has a flat tax if you weren't aware. You check this fact. More Us soldies died under Clinton than Bush.
>> Clinton years (1993-2000): 14,000 deaths
>> George W years (2001-2006): 7,932 deaths
These statistics are published by Congressional
>> Research Service, and they may be confirmed by
>> anyone at: http://www.fas.
>> org/sgp/crs/ natsec/RL32492. pdf)
Lol, new deal bridges and dams...well that says it all.
Gov't has f*cked up..and U know which one has been the worst ever..yep current one. But, hey U can't see that.
Farm Bill...I'm from MN, nuff said about farm bill..:). Farmers need all they can get..from the government..with all these free trade sh*t going on.
Social Security...lol, do U know which government as bankrolled the social security? Lol, you ain't that blind.
Tax, lol..I probably pay more than majority of people..may be U on taxes by just living in MN....and hey look our standings on education, healthcare, and higher education..one of the best...Eastern Europe, U mean the 3rd world? How about Sweden, Norway, and Holland? Highest tax nations and best nations on income, health, social sysytem. Travel more, things get clear a little.
Lol, Clinton vs Bush military deaths like it's a match! How about, 4,000 dead, over 35,000 injured, 600,000 Iraqis dead...for false war...a war that shouldn't have been fought. Clinton just tell me where these deaths U mentioned happened and their reasons...I bet 70% of American public would agree that they dead for a just cause..can't say that about Iraq.
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