Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beating the Dems on Race or Gender...

  • If it's Obama race will be an issue as it has been shown last few weeks. Look at Fox News get a hard-on talking about Obama's pastor and use religious signs to make their points and change a hate speech to racial issue which wins votes...
  • If it's Clinton she will be un-done by the same conservatives and media that's very lazy and doesn't know what facts are. They will call her feminist, like something is wrong with feminism. They will attack her as they have been doing to Obama in the last few days..and call her a "American Hating Liberal".

Let me say few things about Obama's speech on race and the way the media has changed from a pastor's hate speech to a racial speech which is the only way the conservative, religious righties, and the Republican hate machine can win on this time. They can't win on immigration which was their number one issue, since they have McCain the man who wants sensible immgration laws, they can't win again going after gays, that has been used many times, they can't win 'cause many of us have learnt their tricks to scare the sh*t out us, so what will they do and that has already started? Race on Obama and unpatriotic on Hillary..both of these work all the time. If Obama, call on his race(even though he's both white and black) and If it's Hillary, I bet Bill's b-jobs and hating women will be the nightly talk.

I know another thing about this, who ever beats Obama, Clinton or McCain, they will be known the president who got elected instead of obama 'cause of racial hatred........not on politicies, 'cause the Republican Party has got nothing on politics, they have done worse things to this countrty than we can replace or fight for in decades...but still race will work for those in Ohio and Florida....'cause that's what have replaced real discussion about today's problems.....and the RIGHt WINGers will not stop to beat him with drums til Nov. and the day of the election..telling us and everyone that; he's just black....

Don't kid yourself, if it isn't him on race, Hillary would have been accused of being "An American hating liberal/dyke/woman" who has no shame; 'cause she still sleeps with the man who slept with other women...

This is a shame, after 8 years of Bush, the way the media has played on Obama vs Clinton fights, racial hatred, hatred of religious freedom and separation of religion from politics, seems to make me PUKE. This is insane.


Blogger CindyCinlou said...

This race has become about Dem vs Dem instead of who can beat McCain. I personally don't care about anyones personal life nor their religion inless it will affect their ability to do their job well which I doubt it will. I am methodist if I was president me being methodist really wouldn't make a difference nor would my personal life.

2:56 PM  
Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

Good post! Once again. we have snatched defeat from the jaws of certain victory!!

We are fried!!

12:28 AM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

Despite those things, I still think Obama or Hillary will stillbeat McCain. Obama pretty much has it wrapped up without a MAJOR sweep of all races still to come.

10:36 AM  
Blogger itbbabyel said...

thanks for the words on nova-san's site. I appreciate it...I was the one with the spark

8:39 AM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

SOG...this will end soon, and we have to make sure..we define McCain as another Bush which he is.

The Future....I don't think there will be defeat unless, those supporting Hillary don't vote for Obama..:)

Rocket..I agree, watching them today talk about the economy and attach the GOP and McCain is what they should do more.


7:39 PM  

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