Thursday, November 01, 2007

After today call me Johnny Dem. My pirate costume was great; and she was Marge Simpson....weird I know.

Ladies...don't do..

  • Don't call in the middle of the night and tell us what U have eaten the day before...F***ng gross.
  • Don't say size doesn't matter, when U can't take it. I'm sore, sure U are.
  • Shoping is ok, as long as U let us have Sundays.
  • Don't ask what we are thinking, when we aint thinking at all. May be your sister...:)
  • I'm only big-bone and not fat, means I'm fatty. Just say, I will be at the gym with U.
  • No thong at the beach....If U aint Natalie Portman. Nuff said.
  • Stop trying to fix your girls with our boys, they know U and don't want to have anything to do with them.
  • Your high school friends are like our high school friends, don't ask why we still hang with goes around.

College chicks are funny.

Let the fight start...:) Hides and


Blogger *Ren* said...

Wow you are brave for writing this one, haha!

I promise I won't call and tell you what I've eaten but I may call and tell you what made me sick. Oh and I might tell you about my bloody gums. I think that would be way grosser (ok, is that a word?).

9:00 AM  
Blogger Brianinmpls said...

lol...nice this is why I block my phone calls at a certain point in the eveining

10:24 AM  
Blogger Valley Girl said...

Wow. You could totally be friends with my ex-husband.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Secret Agent said...

Haha... thong at the beach... holla.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

Nice, turn the cell phone off at night. It is only going to a drunk friend or someone who needs to get bailed out of jail, right?

1:06 PM  
Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

"No thong at the beach....If U aint Natalie Portman. Nuff said."
Gawd Yes!..(: Make that NO thongs at the beach. I don't care how cute your ass is - the sight of a string going up it is NOT a turn on!

"College chicks are funny."
Hehe.:) I think Valley Girl has your number dude, and I don't mean phone, either!:)

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pointers... I have probably done a few of those things before.

How are you doing?

10:25 AM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

All, I'm all for equal apportunity, so ladies wait til I put our dirt laundary in the open..for all to see...:)

4:50 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Ren...that's all natural. But having 20 yr old lady to talk about all day what she has eaten is no no...

Brian....what happens when U don't?

Valley....we all men are the same. Dogs...:)


rocket...Man, dorms come to life in, I never turn my phone off...

The future...again some women must wear thongs...not others...N valley girl ex has the gene in all of men....don't run away from it...:)

Chrissie..I'm here to help...:) Thanks I'm doing great, hope you r 2.

5:20 PM  
Blogger *Ren* said...

Dem - I know. I was being a smart ass! I find it amusing to tell all my friends without kids my horror stories. It's my entertainment without alcohol, lol! On a serious note, excessive talk about food (unless you are me and knocked up)is a sign of an eating disorder.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

I know.

"Entertainment without alcohol" is all we need Ren.

5:08 PM  
Blogger CindyCinlou said...

Okay I have done a few of these lol but I am not at all offended if anything I like your honesty.

6:50 PM  

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