Life's many angles....
I want to the Mall of America today with few friends and took the new rail after parking at the West-Bank of the University of MN. Now, this is what I saw..It was in the morning around 11am and the one part of the rail I was in had may be around 25 people on it...but one think that caught my eye was the faces of people.
Do U ever wonder what it feels like to be one of these people U see at stations with fixed still face, like they are hurting and wonder what the f*ck is wrong with them and how U may understand their sorrow.....there was this one lady, between 45-50 and had this sad, and lost kinda of emotionless face that made me think in a second. Why her? She's one of many I see, coming back to downtown I also saw several others with such faces. I had my camara with me, but I'm very private person so I don't even think I can violote hers and take a picture so U can see what I'm talking about here. U know, this is crazy world, with so many angles...people deal with harsh realities of it everyday..f*ck I work at a hospital so I know N see this almost daily, but I never really stop feeling for them, feeling and wanting to really understand what it feels to be in that stage of lost, emptiness. May be I'm over-stating this, but I was really close to getting up and saying hi and just asking what's wrong....but didn't.
Just take a look the pic above, and tell me what U can tell about her...