I'm here...........
Ok, I'm back to my old form today, I can't just wait Nov 7. I want to vote today, right F****ing now, yes right now.
For me, a liberal is a one that thinks or holds the view that "We human are very rational and that we all have natural ability to be good". This may not be true for all U liberals out there, but is true in my case.
I was born as a liberal. In my view, there are so many different factors that determine my political and social views, and all can be said they fall in Liberal thinking. Yes, I sleep, wake and walk as proud liberal, and will always be one. I'm proud member of the largest liberal student org at my Uni, always voted for liberals office, will always fight for liberal causes, and some of U already know that me thinks. What had great impact on my liberalism, family upbringing=civil rights, education=for all, surroundings=city bouy, wealth=approtunity, religion=in the eyes of God we are all same, for all and these are what are my most influential factors that influences all my voting decisions in life.
Now, with this, U may say that I support Demacratic Party. Not really! I only could vote last five years, and I indeed voted for 85% some one who had (D) after their name. In saying that, I don't really think the Demacratic Party of this country are that liberal anymore, may be in the 60's and 70's which are the era I want for them to go back to.
I think the view that humans are inherrently good is a view that is shared by many people, despite their political party. But for me, what defines a liberal is the belief that my civic and American duty is to provide for the people who are less fortunate than I am. I am fortunate enough to be able to put a roof over my head and food in my belly. Not everyone can do that. I think I have a social responsibility to help take care of those who can't help themselves... within reason, of course, but to help them nonetheless.
And I am in complete agreement about the religion thing. It is impossible for one's religion to NOT have an effect on one's political views. Religion will always, I believe, INFLUENCE politics, but it should not DEFINE politics. As Rocketstar often points out, freedom is the distance between church and state.
Lauren your too fast for me, I was still typing the post. Lol.
Ok, now U now I can let this one go, I really don't thing the communists, rightwingers, and many others don't really think we are all good, and that goodness and badness are equal for humans. In some cases, religion does not allow this, if one really follows what some of these religions are saying about good and evil.
Agreed that liberalism also stands standing for the weak, and that it starts with self.
dem, the Dem party has veered more to the center, but out of necessity. In order to counter the RR they have to look to the middle to have a chnace at winning.
I always wondered why either political party gave a crap about the ends of the spectrum, they should focus on the middle. The ends of the spectrum will always vote thier way, it's the middle votes they really need.
"... the belief that my civic and American duty is to provide for the people who are less fortunate than I am."
-- This reminded me that Jesus' #1 cause was also to help the poor yet the Jesus party, I mean the Rep party surely doesn't act like it.
Amen Dem I can't wait to vote either I live in Kentucky and we need new people running our state hopefully this is the beginning next up the country.
Rocket...Being in the middle in these days is just as voting for GOP. :) There are no other alternatives, nothing is middle anymore. As liberal, these days I feel like I have things in common with MN Greens, but I know voting for them will just give another vote to the Republicans.
SOG...Kentucky...U are in the middle of this fight, byt just living in Kentucky....
Indeed we do need to change this broken government.
Rocket, I've often noticed that the Rep. party talks a lot of Jesus game but then doesn't deliver. Interesting.
Ok, now. U talk about Dems being hypocrites, but still miss that every non biased person can see that our poorest percent of Americans support Dems! Why?
Let me help U! They f*cking do help them.
The rest of the sh*t you wrote don't need reply.....
Big-government? Non was/is bigger than the One U probably support and is in power today.
If U don't think race/class does not matter, U must live another country than most of us Americans live. Just think what GOP did in Tenn...this election year!
C'mon your not Libertarian! Just another wingnut.
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