Thursday, June 30, 2005

Open thread: July 1st.

July first is very important day for me, i'ts the day when Somalia ended the colonial rule of the British and the Italians. For those of you who don't know me, and visit my blog, I was born in Somalia, and I left as a little kid in 1990. All you Malis add your comments and what you think it means to you, especially you diasporas.


President George W Bush wants to double the US aid to Africa, so today he has proposed doubling US aid to Africa over the next five years. What a joke! Does any one asked what happened to the millions he promised on African aids during his first term? All haven't been given, and we are still waiting to see that get done, before he opens his lying mouth.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Refugee of the world (nine million refugees of them), my heart goes out to you. Those of you who don't pay attention, last week was refugee week, where all over the world we celebrate, talk, discuss what refugees of the world incounter and what are the fears, negative messages, and stereotypes that many of them suffer in refugees camps! I as a former one, I have place on my heart for all of them. Being a refugee means having no place, no home, no hope, no dignity, and they all are stateless. Now, those of you who never been one, please do what ever you can do to help. These people need us, and we will be questioned in later life, what we have done on this earth. Have we helped, the helpless, the poor, and the refugees. Always remember there are those who are more weaker, poorer. "I had no shoes; and I was sad; but then I met a man who had no feet." Syrian proverb.

We can do better.
Pic from UNHCR.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We can do better!!!!!!!!!

This should have been my first post, but well. I am Liberconservate with sense, very religious with liberal ideals. I have no allegiance to no party, no fool, no custodian, but to God, and to his messangers. The title of the blog, is my view that the world could be better place for all. For Africans, Asians, Europeans, Latin & North Americans, and the lonely Australians, for you and me. To do better, we have to do what we gotta do, to make it happen. Fight for the little guy, the oppressed, the homeless, the sick, the elderly, the young, and when we do this, our dreams of just world shall be realized. I will try to chronicle my feelings about world news, politics, sports, justice, selfless service, decency, and all that are in my head at the time. Ride with me, I will try to make it, memorable.

We can do better.

Republicans are natz

How come they don't believe in reality, how come they side step reality, how come they complain about everything, how come they are so hateful, so wrong, so ignorent, so mindless, so stupid. They giggle, wiggle, with nothing to fugle. How come they are taking this country and the world in the a sh*t whole. How come they are supported by the poorest of the poor; white southerns, who don't benefit having republican government. How come they have no gutz, gunz, witz, fitz, and no dignity. How come they run their mouths wide open with nothing good to say. They want more power by all means, want this, want that, want those, and who ever they can run-over. These fools are out of the top of their empty heads. These guys are natz.

We can do better.