Sunday, April 02, 2006

False Hope

Greetings From Raining State of Minnesota.

Ok this could get interesting. What do U think about the new Pro-fat Movement, led by well known celebrities that has picked up some steam?

Watching CNN/Fox a night ago, came segments about some celebrities who are struggling with weight, selling clothing line, diet food intended for large women, and other stuff meant all for large people. This wasn't what I had problems with, but what suprised me was that, some of these celebrities (Kristy Alley, Monique, Rosanne Barr, Della Reese) to me were all saying to young women who are struggling to lose some weight, that fat is good. I think exercise more, eat less should be what they should sell, not selling cloth, and look at me. Please don't feel sad about this post, it's just reality check. I have family members, friends, class mates who struggle with weight everyday of their lives. So yes I know how hard is to lose few lbs.

Do U see this as a problem as I do, or its just another of my lalalalalalalala. :)

My sister said, they are just taking advantage of people, and just want to make money. I don't think so. If they are intelligent to scam people like that, why are they not intelligent to stop eating and get on a treadmill? It's all bless, I know I'm asking too much on this.

One more full month left on school........can't wait. World Cup finals in Germany will be on this summer, I would love to go, but dunno yet..............Also thinking about taking one course at night, or I have to take over 20credits in the fall. :(


Blogger lauren said...

I'm not sure that they are saying "fat is good." Since I don't know what Monique, Rosanne, etc. are saying specifically, I'll cite Kirstie Alley. She is supporting Jenny Craig because that particular diet plan helped her lose over 70 pounds.

I think you know how I feel about "fat people prejudice". And while I agree that obesity is a dangerous disease in terms of life expectancy, quality, etc., I do think that there is an unhealthy obsession in this country with weight gain and loss. If people would just embrace their bodies - or work hard to change their shapes - we wouldn't need celebrities to tell us what to do.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Greetings lauren....

What I have problem with them is that, they all advertising clothes, food, exercise techniques while I think it's them who need to do these things before they tell others to feel good about anything.

Della Reese was on Fox News selling lingerie....that's wrong big time....

I think its false hope these celebrities have, and I fear they may influence some young woman living some where in this world. They are like blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses,while telling others how good the sunglasses are.

"If people would just embrace their bodies - or work hard to change their shapes - we wouldn't need celebrities to tell us what to do".

I also think so.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

Okay so do you hate fat people buddy????

This sounds like a conversation my girlfriend and i have had about body image and whats "right" and "wrong". Everywhere we turn we have images of stick female figures saying that we should be skinny to fit in and be "popular" which is fine i guess if ya like ya ribs sticking out. And then when we turn to the otherside we have people saying that we shouldn't be thin to be in and that being chubby is the way to have the happiness you desire. But i put this to you why can't we just b who we are without worrying about how much we weigh? I don' think ppl should go around saying be FAT coz its ridiculous you could wake up one morning and die of a heart attack. Its soooo disgusting at Maccas ppl would come through drive thru and wait more that ten mins to be served just becuz they didn't want to stand up. I find that so disgusting and especially when their teaching their own children to eat ten nuggets when their only five! Don't ppl care about their health? And i also don't believe in "thin being in". Look at celebrities like Nicole Ritchie. She's nearly dieing, ppl abuse her about being too thin becuz she is she could nearly die. But when she's a "normal" size the media says she's too fat! Its stupid and i think ppl need to get their own priorities straight before they reach for the next hamburger or if they don't reach for it. This is our new generation! It's time we stand up for it coz otherwise in the long run everyone is going to end up having severe health problems.

DiD that make sense? Well ciao and i know a friend who adores Soccer, truly mad. heheh

10:15 PM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

Being over weight is not healthy, costs the country tons of $.

Weight loss is simple, not easy, but simple.

Eat less, exercise more, continue to slowly decrease eating and increase exercise until you get to your desired wieght.

The above method is 100% guaranteed!!!!

It comes down to personal responsibility and self control.

5:56 AM  
Blogger dawnmarie said...

fat is not good. being as thin as 90% of the people who live in hollywood is not good. being a healthy weight and respecting yourself and what you put into your body and how you use your body, is good.

there is a seriously warped sense of what a healthy weight is. the fashion industry, and the media and hollywood are responsible for inciting many of the weight issues that women especially deal with in this country. I posted on this several months ago.

6:32 AM  
Blogger lauren said...

Oh please! I'm going to have to play devil's advocate here.

No one in America - much less Hollywood - is saying that being obese is a healthy thing. But they are recognizing that weight loss is a struggle. And they are providing options for women who want to lose weight, or don't want to.

Della Reese's clothing and lingerie line doesn't mean she is condoning being fat. It just means she is giving larger women the same options that smaller women have. Once you reach a certain size, the only options available clothing-wise are mumus, big drapey dresses and boring underwear. Being fat doesn't mean you shouldn't have cute, attractive clothing that emphasizes your assets.

Other celebrities are promoting healthy ways to lose a bunch of weight. Kirstie Alley has said publicly that she hated the way that she looked when she was fat, and that she wanted to be really skinny. Okay, yeah that is still slightly warped, because her motivation was being "skinny" as opposed to getting healhty. But she still did it, using diet and exercise (and some help from Jenny Craig) to do it.

Then there are other celebrities who lose a ton of weight but don't say why or how they've lost it. Take Star Jones. She lost a ton of weight before her wedding because she wanted to look good for hew nuptials. She hasn't disclosed how she lost all the weight because she doesn't want to be a "poster child for one specific method." (And way off topic: Does anyone else think she is a scary-looking skinny person? She'd look better with a little more weight. She can get away with heavy. Her face is too big on top of her skinny body. She looks like a bobble-head.)

Regardless of their motivations for doing so, the one thing that these celebrities have in common is that they are promoting beauty and self-worth. The looks-obsessed fishbowl of Hollywood has infiltrated the rest of the American culture. Whether that is being skinny or having a cute outfit, it all comes down to image.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

"Okay so do you hate fat people buddy????" Maria....

It all depends on your point of views. Is there something missing from your equation?

"But i put this to you why can't we just b who we are without worrying about how much we weigh?"

I really think all should do so, but way too many young people care way too much with what celebrities are saying, doing so this is an important issue that we need to have open discussion.

Rocket...great minds think alike..LOL...

I remember my first semester of college, I had this well-known stem cell researcher at the U, who was teaching biology, and in our first day of class he said he has the best way to lose weight, and he said he will tell us at the last day of class! He put a over-head that read...EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE!

dawnmarie...Respecting one's self should always be on top...I can't see any respect from these large celebrities.....

Lauren: Ok. Now, I think they are. Fine if U don't think so.

How I look at this has bearing on my opinion of a fat celebrities on TV, who are selling clothing line to large woman in the public eye. I understand when they offer opinions on this stuff, but that has to have limits when I don't see the effects of self control from them.

For me, it looks like they are acting like they are hereos to many people, while it's them who need a hero. I can objectively judge what I see, and I see double talk from them. U said, she lost 70lbs, but looking at her, she ain't still healthy.

Della Reese was saying, yeah i got what they want; clothing and lingerie line! I can see many things wrong with that. I would have alot of respect for her, if she came-out and said, I'm just in for the money, but I my-self need to be on the treadmill.

"it all comes down to image".

Nothing wrong with selling their image, but worsened health is what's waiting for them. Who gave them property rights to tell others how to feel, if they themselves are those who do need to take control of their own bodies!

I think this is an issue, that needs frank discussion.

10:16 AM  
Blogger lauren said...

The thing is, Kirstie Alley is probably a size 10 now, which is average, not fat. I'm just wondering where the line is. What makes one person fat, average or skinny?

1:14 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

"Who are they to tell people how to feel when they need to take control of their own bodies." Okay, sorry to keep harping on Kirstie, but she IS taking control of her own body. She was unhealthy and fat and joined Jenny Craig - albeit as a spokesmodel - to help her lose the weight. She didn't turn to surgery or some crazy diet plan or pills. She did it with good old-fashioned "eat less, exercise more".

Furthermore, some people just can't control their weight. Call it "big boned" - some people's genetics simply can't be overcome. I have a very good friend who is quite heavy. She exercises and eats right, but just can't take the weight off.

This brings to light something that I really have a problem with, and I've talked before about how obese people are quickly becoming the social outcasts of America. Sure, it is unhealthy and a drain on resources. But that person's lifestyles, eating habits, etc. aren't really for us to judge. Kind of like their sex life isn't for us to judge. Not saying that you are, mind you, but in general.

I think that if you've never struggled with weight yourself, you don't know what a struggle it can be. It isn't always as simple as "eat less, exercise more".

2:06 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

I'm back! Sorry about that, I was running around looking for some sources for 15page paper due next week.

Non of my family members are that skinny nor most of those I have dated, so I ain't looking this as she does in her fat Actress show. I understand people struggle with weight, and I also understand that it's only them who could do something about it. That's why I also think these celebrities do more harm than good.

U keep bring Kirstie Alley has lost some weight! I'm happy for her that she has lost so much weight, she looks great, but I repeat, what I have problem has to do with still seeing fat celebrities running around TV...She is 5'7" was over 290lbs.....lets even say she lost 100lb I still think for a lady to be 190lbs she has to be over 6feet. Is that too low for a person to be? May be....

"But that person's lifestyles, eating habits, etc. aren't really for us to judge".

True dat.....but that doesn't stop us having talk about it. Is this post disrespectful to anyone?

7:36 PM  
Blogger JBlue said...

I've been fortunate in my genetic makeup and I'm tall as well, so I've never really had to struggle with weight (only for a short time after the birth of my second son). BUT THEN, since I'm raising two kids, I'm very conscious of the kinds of food we eat and of setting a good example about staying physically fit. And that's really hard for a lazy person like me! I think the healthier you are and feel, the more likely you are to have a positive self-image.

9:12 PM  
Blogger CD said...

Tom Delay has anounced he's not running for re-election!!!!

"Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told colleagues and supporters on April 3 that he will resign his seat and not run for reelection in the fall."

9:47 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

Exactly lauren in our class we use to ask when and who decides what size is good. Apparently size ten is the correct size to be but then what about the ones that are thinner?

Meh over here we've got Aust Biggest Loser and everyone can't hlep but laugh at their struggles.Its true it is hard to lose the weight but why is that it was harder to stop grabbing that third brownie or XXL chips? They know how to lose it, they know where they can go it's just that they don't have the confidence and in a way its their own fault.

P.S thank you for the advice, i am asking waaaayyy more questions now. I think its coz hello i have exams next semester! (...breathe in, exhale out) Ciao

11:38 PM  
Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

As you know I am one of the many Americans who are overweight and struggle with this daily. I am not a lazy individual infact I am very active and always on the go. Most people who are overweight want to lose weight but either have medical or emotional problems that make simply eating less and exercising more, a difficult task. Many obese individuals are depressed and that plays into the lack of desire to exercise and make healthy decisions. I am not making excuses, I am just stating facts. I do agree with lauren, Kirstie Alley did not take the easy way out with surgery (although I am sure she could afford it) she did it the healthy way. I see her as an inspiration and yes she does have more to lose but hey she shared her life and struggle with the world. If her problems were drugs and/or alcohol people would commend her for having the strength and courage to sharing her story but because she was fat people dismiss her. As far as those people who are just out to make money.....I think that title belongs to those late night infomericials that claim you can lose 50 lbs in 2 weeks not to celebs that endorse plus size fashion or weight loss programs.

8:02 AM  
Blogger lauren said...

I think RedNeckGirl encapsulated that very well.

Dem, I don't think your post is disrespectful to anyone, a little insensitive maybe. Don't be so cynical! As you said, this is an issue that deserves frank discussion.

I have a lot of respect for any person who takes on a difficult struggle and makes the most of it. Even if their way means that they get rich off it. Hawking lingerie and Jenny Craig is more acceptable to me than hawking diet pills (that don't work, are a temporary solution or do more harm than good) or praising cosmetic surgery as the answer to all prayers.

8:52 AM  
Blogger dawnmarie said...

"what I have problem has to do with still seeing fat celebrities running around TV..."

what? you have a problem with the three to four celebrities that are overweight, and have decided to be themselves, and not subscribe to a media-hollywood-implemented ideal of the perfect body size for a woman?

Let's talk for a bit about Jennifer Aniston, Coutrney Cox, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner, and all the other sickly looking celebrities that help to enforce the idea that sickeningly skinny is the only way to be, and how they are affecting teenage girls self esteem and eating habits? And how they are the ones who have a hand in making the overweight/obese people feel bad about themselves and how they look so that they eat to comfort themselves.

I'm not taking blame away from anyone, because everyone is capable of making their own decisions, but there are societal triggers that need to be fixed and looked at before anything is ever going to change.

who you are should be good enough regardless of what some magazine, hollywood "starlet", or blogger claims.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....You are beautiful in every single way, words can't bring you down." - xtina

7:23 PM  
Blogger JBlue said...

Lauren, I swear you are a born diplomat.

Dawnmarie, I agree those ultra skinny stars do look sickly. I thought Jennifer Aniston was cute when friends first started, but then she became so thin. Again, I think healthy people look and feel best. What's healthy for one isn't necessarily healthy for another, since we're all individuals. But being sickly skinny is NOT healthy either. What are THOSE ladies selling?

7:48 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

I almost posted with my buddies blog.....ohhhhhhh well I need some sleep.....

This is not a direct reply to anyone, just general point to clarify my own stance on this. My point on this was to show, before people start advicing or helping others, they must help themselves first.

JB.....I agreeeee.

CD...Thanks I have heard of it, when he broke the news to MSNBC.

Maria.....There are also other factors, like emotions stress which makes harder for many people to lose some weight.

RedNeckGirl....Yes I know....I was there with U, on many of your posts about this issue....

Lauren......I may be insensitive about this issue, but I know, that I know, I would have felt the same way, if it was drugs.

dawnmarie.....Yes I do. I do think some of these celebrities are trying to Promote, and showing some false hope. That's my take on what I see, U may disagree with it. And that's fine.

"who you are should be good enough regardless of what some magazine, hollywood "starlet", or blogger claims".

Agree 100%....that's what I'm getting at with these celebrities. People need to have hope, not false hope.

8:15 PM  

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