Thursday, March 23, 2006

One more to go. human Psyiology at 10 tomorrow!

Labor issues in France is one to watch, will try to find more info. What ever we say about these French, they really know their place on this capitalist world. I'm 100% with them.

Bush now said, "he never said Iraq had something to with 9/11"! I'm out of words to describe this president, and his wingnuts. May God does he think we are all like his followers.

Stuff that I believe against Popular opinion: Young people of taday are too dumb to organise. Our parents stood for something, and they changed the world. I dunno what my generation stands for?
So, tell me what does this generation stands for?


Blogger lauren said...

Hopefully this generation stands for questioning, always questioning, what we're told. Hopefully this generation stands for standing up for the little guy. Hopefully this generation stands for never taking "no" for an answer. Hopefully this generation stands for something.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Rocketstar said...

The "Amercian people" who support Bush are pathetic. They have given this president a pass on EVERYTHING. I think you you are right on Dem about the "followers".

It is like "they" are his followers and he is Jesus Christ or something. Remember, this election was won by Bush using RELIGION (gay amendments and our crusade against terrorists).

I think that your generation will/can play an important role in the future because there will be enough space between you and those in power now that they will die and will be fully replaced with you, using my generation as a buffer between the two, does that make sense?

10:27 AM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Lauren & Rocket...There its....we stand for nothing.

Even the yubbies of the late 70's and 80's stood for their BMW's...

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, man, You can't stand for nothing. I'm a 35 yr old GenXer. We stand for nothing. That's ours.

Seriously, though, I'm not sure a generation defines itself so much as the previous and next generations define it.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here's hoping Bush and the Republicans gets a rude awakening in November...

12:16 PM  
Blogger JBlue said...

I think James is right about definitions coming later. One thing I will say is that it seems people have become more self-absorbed since the 70's and 80's, more into acquiring material things and less concerned about things outside that realm. Maybe I'm wrong, though. (I hope.)

3:45 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

The 50s and 60s stood for racial equality and peace in Vietnam.

The 70s and 80s stood for their BMWs. (Actually, I think they stood for disco, but that is just me).

So what are we standing for? I think we're engaging in the digital revolution. We're taking advantage of the tools in front of us, like the internet, to raise our voices and be heard. Don't forget that the majority of Howard Dean's campaign contributions came from young people who heard about him online.

And I'm standing by my earlier statement. I may speak for myself, but I think our generation does stand for questioning our government, our choices, etc. I think (I hope) our generation is more self-aware than previous generations. But who is to say? Our children will probably decide what we stand for. Maybe we never know what we stand for until we look back in time at it later.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

James & JB, so we have to wait and see, is that it? We are more educated, multi-cultural, so may be these two will say something about us in the future.

Lauren, I have to give U, Dean's youngers were something to be proud of.....I wasn't a Dean fan, plus was living in Europe, but lately I have to say, the guy is why I like to be in politics someday, hence my annonmousness...Lol

6:39 AM  

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