What a day in the greatest state of great. Hope U all R well on your part of God's creation we call earth(Rocket don't shoot me. :)
Ladies...your answers needed....this is more ladies game.
Your older brother's best friend is getting married.....He's good friend of yours........U don't like his soon to be wife, your girl hates her more than U and she's will not be going.....But U have to go, must go.
Now, what's the best, weirdest, funniest wedding gift you have ever given or seen some-one give? Don't want to spend much, but really don't like the wiffey, and he's not a man of things.......will take anything I give, he's my god-father.
Also, the sh*t part is here.....soon to be wife is the sister of your old-girl.....and she will be there......where all the family know what happened between U and will be out of state, so you already spending enough...and don't also want to make the old-girl and sis happy.................
Be creative girls, and help a brother-out.....don't want it to be mean....
Yeah, talking like 17 yr-old teen.....I know.
Stick with the classics. A toaster, canopener, or blender also a picture frame. Sounds like a lot of drama. Just try and have fun.
Damn, it sounds like that will be one uneasy wedding, good luck Dem!
Rocket...yep. I really don't want to go.
Did you already go to the wedding. I say forget about the toaster, blender, or anything electric (too expensive usually unless you go to goodwil). I say go for salt and pepper shakers. The key is to get the ugliest and cheapest salt and pepper shacker set possible. I'm sure Wal-Mart would have a fabulous selection.
Or you could get them camping gear. That really makes me laugh especially if she doesn't camp.
Lol...I wouldn't want to be your enemy.
Yeah, it was this past weekend. It want better than I thought. I give them a gift-card.
I'm glad it went better than you thought. Good call with the gift gard.
And yes, WAY nicer than I would have been. Something about the Minnesota nice. Maybe it was I who brought the ice, lol!!
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