Friday, April 06, 2007

Drop it like its hot

Nothing much...........One of the the most important reasons to have higher education is that, you can be selective on the job market. I have to say, even without them paying me much, ohhhh how I made the right move with this job. May be I will produce the research that some of you who have a family, friend or not....who has a Brain and Immune Disorders in the future................I is genious.

Hmmm not yet sure about locking off oldies..... just because they were there in my single days, don't want to make them used when in need. All of them that I have met has some use, for example I have this one who we started as a girl-friend in waiting during last summer. She just has done the decorating in my place and we have the best time when ever I'm around her.......she has the best smile and she knows now that I'm involved, and didn't leave.....Call me what ever you wan't, and I wouldn't lock them off.......All of them.

All in my life I have always hold that time is too short to waste in the bitterness of the world, so dream on my friends. Don't ever look back on lost time and years, that never does any good. Always look forward, work hard both in self and in others to make a difference in this world. Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak, and finally to know nothing is bad, learn and learn more. Only those who LOVE others will find love...Enjoy your meadows and gardens if U have some near you :(. Spring is here, dance, enjoy the sun.....


Blogger Rocketstar said...

Nicely said Dem.

11:33 AM  

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