Thursday, October 13, 2005

()()()()()()()Race Card....racism()()()()()()()

Is there any racial group that never suffers systemic racism?......white man with Asian girl in China will say no...........Indian girl with black man in Canada will so no...........Mexican man with white woman in the US will say no.....Black woman with Spanish man in Barcelona will say no............What about people who are the same race!! Will they ever know how others feel about racial problems in the world? How did the Egyptians viewed the Greeks, and Ottomans over the Serbs? Race issues must be brought into our daily lives, so we can know how others feel about it......

In this society we tend to shovel racial problems to the side.....We can't do that...........We have to talk about it, so we can cure it............putting it in the closet will not solve anything........Like in the UK, which with labor party's action made race as a secondary issue, and in the end we know what the outcome was........riots which took many nights to put down.....Many injured.....Putting it in the closet isn't healthy, because it will explode one day, and when it does it's very horrible........Watching the AP video from New Orleans and the cops beating that old man, I have to say that race must be involved on that.........How st*pid did the police has to be to beat some one like that, even if the person is drunk......Plus they already knew he had no weapons, since they are standing next to him............That makes me sick................After 9/11 it was against Arabs, some went after them with their racist attitude and now these cops due to what have happened weeks prior in the Katerina tragedy have to behave like that...........Yeah I'm pissed...............


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All experience it.....

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some do more........Don't tell me the whites experience same as others in the US....

9:56 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Not really........Most do experience it when they are out of their own house.....or mix relationships

9:25 PM  
Blogger Glaivester said...

Yes, there is a racial group that does not suffer from systemic racism - the Sentinel Islanders.

They are completely isolated from other races (because they attack anyone coming near their island). Therefore, there is no one around to be racist to them. Of course, they themselves could be considered racist for their highly xenophobic attitude, but really, they keep to themselves, so it isn't as if they actually to impose their will on other races. They are one group that truly neither suffers nor commits systemic racism.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

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1:19 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Good one glaivester, but not soo fast.....After the Tsunami, many of these bush people in the Andaman Islands left the island and went to mainland india, so are U sure they haven't seen or wouldn't feel the racial problems that exist in our world?...If U really look into their history, these people aren't from one group of people, mix of many groups and in their earlier times they used to be one ethnic group....So they must have seen some racism....I still think every one does...

1:22 PM  
Blogger Glaivester said...

Well, the Sentinel Islanders are a special case; they are the one group of Andaman people that has still managed to isolated itself from the rest of the world. But you are right, the rest of the Andamanese are in contact with the rest of the world, and sadly a lot of them are suffering the same consequences that a lot of isolated people do when they come into contact with other civilization - massive infection by diseases for which they have no immunity.

As far as I know, the Sentinelese isolate from the other Andaman tribes, so they presumably do not have a lot of problems with racism from them.

Of course, it is possible that the Sentinelese are sub-divided further into tribes; so there could be clan or tribal conflicts, which are essentially racism on small scale. But they may, on the other hand, form a single intrabreeding tribe. And they may have suffered from racism in the past. But they are probably the most likely not to be currently suffering from racism of any group on Earth today.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Mr g, agreed that no where in this world exists people that had any community that has had as little contact with civilization as the Sentinelese. My point with this post was that, racsim is common to all humans, can we say the reason why the Sentinelese kill others who land their island is backed by hostile history with others in their past?

7:01 AM  

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